Thursday, April 4, 2013

Loudmouth Golf: A Way of Life. My Way of Life

When I was a kid, maybe five or six years old, I took a trip with my family to Florida to go to Disney World.  The day before, we visited my great-grandfather on my mother’s side.    

When we pulled into the driveway, my great-grandfather Bill rolled out of his house wearing these awesome lime green pants with pink, white and red apples printed all over them.  They were the coolest pants I had ever seen, but I’ll let you be the judge.  

Needless to say, I forgot about those pants as soon as we arrived at Disney.  But after that moment, my flare for fashionable pants really never left.  Yes, I made my way through grade school sporting my khaki Bugle Boy pants with pegged legs, but I always knew there was something more out there.

One day while visiting my parents during a break in my freshman year of college, I asked my dad if he had any clothes I could borrow for a 70’s party.  He pointed me to his closet where I stumbled upon those same pants that I had seen more than 15 years prior.  There they were, the wholly grail of pants, just as I had remembered them.  They were immediately requisitioned for my return to school. 

Periodically I would wear those pants to a horse race, college party, or out on the golf course, but was always afraid I would ruin them, or they’d fall apart given they were more than 25 years old (now more than 40 years old).  I found myself in that unenviable position of having these great pants, but also having a fear that one day I wouldn’t.  OK, fear may be a bit much, but you get the point.

In 2010, I made a discovery that was second only to my initial discovery of my now commandeered vintage and fragile “green apple” pants.  In the midst of watching golf one afternoon, I discovered Loudmouth Golf.  If you haven’t heard of Loudmouth, you will.  They are a fast growing company that is for lack of a better term, the anti-khaki.  For a history of the company, here is a formal piece that I wrote about them for Yahoo! Sports’

Why write about them again? They are that cool, that’s why.  When I was preparing for my piece referenced above, I knew nothing about the folks behind these whacky pants, but I was already drawn to their perception.  Who were these guys that absolutely understood that a fun pair of pants makes life better? I had to find out.

Yes, we’re talking about pants, but I promise if you put on a pair (or shorts, or a skort, or whatever), the last sentence will make perfect sense.  Not only is it an awesome conversation piece, but Loudmouth Golf apparel truly is a game changer.  In a bad mood? Put on a pair.  Your golf game stinks and you want to quit? Put on a pair? Your father is retiring as a judge? Put on a pair.  (OK, maybe not that last one, unless you really want to.  My father and I did exactly that for his judicial retirement party and portrait unveil, but we’re veterans of crazy pants!)

The point is, that Loudmouth Golf is a company braving the well-established golf world with a real breath of fresh air. You may want to put on your sunglasses, but they are definitely worth a look.  Do it.  Trust me.  Become a member of #LoudmouthNation. There’s enough fun to go around.

(Here's a video about Loudmouth Golf to check out as well): 

Editor’s Note: I want to thank Larry, Woody, Cassie, Alan, and everyone else at Loudmouth Golf for all the access (and gear) they have given me since getting to know them.  What a great group of folks. I wish them all the best, and look forward to seeing whatever comes next.  No doubt it will be a sight to see. 

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